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05 June 2012

10 Jawapan Peperiksaan Yang Terlebih Kreatif

Semua orang pastinya pernah menduduki peperiksaan. Dan ramai yang benci pada peperiksaan kerana soalan-soalan yang keluar nanti pastinya sangat susah dan mahu pecah kepala dibuatnya. Apabila menjawab soalan yang terlampau susah ini, ada juga yang sudah mula berputus asa dan hasilnya; jawapan yang pelik, mudah, simple dan lawak. Jom kita layan 10 jawapan kepada soalan peperiksaan yang lawak.

1. Where is x?

2. An elephant in the way

Does the object continue to move after it comes to rest?
"No. There is an elephant in the way."

3. Expanding

4. Solving the equation

5. Difficult task

6. Infinity

7. She's a woman

Tracey is wrong, show that she is wrong.
"She's a woman."

8. Why was he fired?

An engineer designer an ocean liner that would extract heat from ocean's water...
He thought he had a good idea, but his boss fired him. Explain.
"Because he slept with his boss' wife."
 9. Dividing the easy way

10. Mutant

How would you verify that the mutants identified by phenotype in your screen are true loss of function jaw-D mutations?

student's answer: "use the radioactive ooze-teenage mutant ninja turtles"
teacher's response: "I wish I could give you marks for this! LOVE IT!"

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takkan bca je respon la sikit..toink...